Well here we are?2013.? Isn?t it magnificent!? With our futures full of potential how do you plan on harvesting your abundance?
In my personal development coaching I emphasize that those things we want, like more money, deeper relationships, and a better career are all external to us. The Wheel of Life is often used to help individuals determine which areas they ?should? be working on.
Very few course or people describe what is in the center of The Wheel of Life.? You know what it is right?
It?s you!
And all those spokes and areas of life that come out from the center come from you!
Think about this, if you want some external change you MUST change your internal first.? If you simply focus on the external you ignore the creator of that which you seek, which is you.
When you work on your self it?s often called personal development, self-improvement or self-help and no matter what it?s called to object is for you to work on you first. To get yourself aligned with your desires.
Below is an outline that I use in creating a personal development plan.? And I think as you see the simplicity if it, you?ll also recognize that the ?how? and the execution might be a bit more difficult.
Personal Development Plan
- Physical
- Strength
- Endurance
- Flexibility
- Nutrition
- Mental
- Beliefs
- Self-Talk
- Visualization
- PI (positive intelligence)
- Emotional
- Focus
- Meaning
- Energy Management
- EI (emotional intelligence)
- Spiritual
- Meditation/Pray
- Values
- Code of Honor
- SI (soul intelligence)
I encourage you take this outline, fill-in the details and start to create your individualized personal development plan.
If you need some assistance in the ?Mental? part you might want to pick up a copy of Develop the Mental Strength of a Warrior now.

Success in life is not about luck! It?s about managed thoughts, focused attention and deliberate action. Personal success and personal failure all start in the mind. Tap into the power of your unconsciousness mind and eliminate negative beliefs that have been holding back from reaching your personal goals.
Take back control of your thoughts and your life! Grab a copy of Develop the Mental Strength of a Warrior? today so that you can start living the life you?ve always dreamed of.
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Source: http://www.warriormindcoach.com/blog/2013/01/04/your-personal-development-plan-outline-for-2013/
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