In a country where love is outlawed, how will ten teenagers fare against their own feelings?
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AvidSmoker - Member for 1 years
Could I reserve Female 3 please?

FreeRunner - Member for 1 years
FreeRunner wrote:Could I reserve Female 3 please?
I'll reserve it right away!

AvidSmoker - Member for 1 years
Hey there, AvidSmoke :D. Can I put a reservation on teen male 2?
"Look, even bad years are pretty good years, I think."-Robert Downey Jr.


Scarlet Loup - Member for 1 years
@Grace-- Already reserved you a spot, bud.
@Scarlet-- XD YES. 1000 times yes.

AvidSmoker - Member for 1 years
Sent in a sheet. :3
"She offered herself to the big, bad wolf and didn't scream when he took the first bite."

bandgeek - Member for 1 years
@WinterWhisperz-- Yepp, just reserved it.
@bandgeek-- Yeah, I got it. I like your character. :)

AvidSmoker - Member for 1 years
@AvidSmoker: Woo, thanks xDD

Scarlet Loup - Member for 1 years
And now...we just need more guys.
I can't believe those spots got filled so fast. O_O

AvidSmoker - Member for 1 years
I have a few questions, on the character sheet it asks for role, ability and weapon.
Is the role their current job or along those lines and what type of ability should they have? Also, as for the weapons why would they carry weapons around anyway? I'm not going against it, I'm just curious.

FreeRunner - Member for 1 years
I think roll is "Girl 7", "Guy 10" ect. but thats a good question about the abilities, and the danger level?

WinterWhisperz - Member for 0 years
@FreeRunner, WinterWhisperz-- Role is exactly how Winter described it. As for the abilities, they are mostly related to the mind- such as hypnotism, mind control, mind reading, telekinesis, etc. They won't end up carrying weapons until they begin to rebel against the government, so this is just planning, I guess. As for the danger level, it's a scale of 1-10 on how dangerous your character is in a fight or otherwise.

AvidSmoker - Member for 1 years
@Avid - Alright thanks, I got a little confused with the role thing. Bleh.

FreeRunner - Member for 1 years
never mind, I am sorry. Ignore me, please.

JEDH3 - Member for 2 years
Hey, can I reserve a male?
Male...8 or 9, whatever's left. ^.^
I'm busy with exams, so I won't get him in until the weekend most likely.

Thadine - Member for 2 years
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