Friday, March 29, 2013

Long-serving Boston mayor won't seek re-election

BOSTON (AP) ? Boston Mayor Thomas Menino, struggling to keep his emotions in check, told well-wishers gathered at historic Faneuil Hall on Thursday that he won't seek re-election to an unprecedented sixth term after nearly two decades in office.

"I am here with the people I love, to tell the city I love, that I will leave the job that I love," Menino said, with his wife Angela and family by his side. "I can run, I can win and I can lead, but not in the neighborhoods all the time as I like."

Menino, who used a cane to walk to the podium, has had persistent health problems including a six-week hospital stay last year to treat a respiratory infection and a compression fracture in his spine. Menino also was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes.

But the city's longest serving mayor told the crowd that he is on the mend. Still, he said, it's not enough to maintain the pace that has become his trademark.

"I'm back to a mayor's schedule, but not a Menino schedule," he said. "Spending so much time in the neighborhoods gives me energy.... It may not be the only way to lead Boston, but it's the only way for me."

Menino spoke for about 12 minutes and received a three-minute standing ovation.

During his comments, Menino alluded to a poll that once indicated that more than half of the city's residents had said they'd personally met him.

He also acknowledged that his decision not to run again is expected to trigger a political stampede.

"I have no plans to pick the person to fill this seat," he said. "I just ask that you choose someone who loves this city as much as I do."

President Barack Obama praised Menino.

"Boston is the vibrant, welcoming, and world-class city it is today because of Tom Menino," Obama said in a statement. "For more than two decades, Mayor Menino has served the city and every one of its residents with extraordinary leadership, vision, and compassion."

Democratic U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who won a critical endorsement from Menino in last year's U.S. Senate race called him "the best mayor in America" and "the best friend to the neighborhoods and people of Boston."

Although Menino wasn't always the smoothest of political figures, he earned a reputation as one of the hardest working, from filling potholes to shaping the city's skyline.

A recent Boston Globe poll showed the 70-year-old Menino was viewed favorably by a wide margin of city residents, although less than half said they wanted him to run again. Most political watchers assumed Menino could have cruised to another victory.

Menino said he's not done yet.

"I have nine months left. Just think what I can do in nine months," he said. "We can have some real fun."

Menino's long stewardship of the city came a critical moment in Boston's history when traditional urban ethnic enclaves began to give way to waves of new immigrants and younger professionals.

He worked to make Boston more fun and livable. Despite its famously narrow, twisting streets, Menino ushered in a bicycle-sharing program and named a "bicycle czar" to negotiate conflicts between bicyclists and Boston drivers.

He also struggled to try to improve the Boston school system and wasn't shy about wearing his sympathies on his sleeve.

Last year Menino, a strong gay rights supporter, vowed to block Chick-fil-A from opening a restaurant in the city after the company's president spoke out publicly against gay marriage.

Lawrence DiCara, a former city councilor, said Menino's success stemmed from his attention to detail and ? unlike many of his predecessors ? his lack of interest in higher office.

"He kept his eye on the ball," DiCara said. "He was not interested in running for governor. He was not interested in running for Congress. He had one thing he wanted to do and that was being mayor of Boston."

Menino was the city's first Italian-American mayor, breaking a nearly century-long domination of city politics by Irish-Americans that began with John "Honey Fitz" Fitzgerald, the grandfather of President John F. Kennedy and Sens. Robert and Edward Kennedy, and included the legendary James Michael Curley.

Menino grew up in Hyde Park, far from the city's traditional political power bases.

"He grew up an Italian kid in an Irish city and he grew up in a neighborhood that no one came from," said DiCara.

Menino's departure will create only the second open mayoral election in the last half century and the first since 1983, when Kevin White chose not to seek re-election.

Boston City Councilor John Connolly had already indicated his intention to run. Other potential candidates include state Rep. Martin Walsh, city councilors Tito Jackson and Rob Consalvo, state Sen. Sonia Chang-Diaz, and Suffolk District Attorney Daniel Conley.

Menino became acting mayor when his predecessor, Raymond Flynn, left office in 1993 after being named ambassador to the Vatican. Menino, then president of the City Council, was automatically elevated to the mayor's job.

The circumstances prompted some critics to label him the "accidental mayor." But he was elected mayor in his own right in November 1993 and won re-election by wide margins in 1997, 2001, 2005 and 2009.

James Brett, a former state lawmaker who was the Menino's first mayoral opponent in 1993, said he immediately recognized Menino's tenacity as a campaigner.

"Anyone who would underestimate him would be foolish to say the least," said Brett, who now runs the business-backed New England Council. "He was grounded and focused as a candidate."

Peter Meade, director of the Boston Redevelopment Authority, said Menino had an "unbelievable" work ethic, often making two or three more stops around the city after most of his staff had gone home.

While a demanding boss, Meade said Menino "never asked anyone to do anything he wasn't willing or anxious to do himself."

Menino earned the nickname "Urban Mechanic" by focusing on the nuts and bolts of city management ? fixing potholes, cleaning streets, and even discouraging the practice of saving a shoveled-out parking space by putting folding chairs or trash cans along the curb.

More recently, Menino became a prominent voice for stricter gun control measures, joining New York Mayor and Boston-area native Michael Bloomberg as co-chairs of Mayors Against Illegal Guns.

"He will be remembered as one of the most influential and important mayors in Boston's long history, and ? it is my fervent hope ? someone who began to turn the tide against the scourge of gun violence in this country," Bloomberg said in a statement.

Menino also built an impressive political machine that handily defeated challengers and propelled allies into office.

Despite his political savvy, Menino was also known for his sometimes tortured phrases and malapropisms, which earned him the nickname "Mumbles" from detractors but endeared him even more to the populace.

He once confused former New England Patriots placekicker and Super Bowl hero Adam Vinatieri with former Red Sox catcher Jason Varitek and referred to Celtics point guard Rajon Rondo as "Hondo," which was the nickname of former Celtics great John Havlicek.


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America: Time to shake the salt habit?

Mar. 27, 2013 ? The love affair between U.S. residents and salt is making us sick: high sodium intake increases blood pressure, and leads to higher rates of heart attack and strokes. Nonetheless, Americans continue to ingest far higher amounts of sodium than those recommended by physicians and national guidelines.

A balanced review of the relevant literature has been published in the March 27, 2013 edition of The New England Journal of Medicine. Theodore A. Kotchen, MD, professor of medicine (endocrinology), and associate dean for clinical research at the Medical College of Wisconsin, is the lead author of the article.

Dr. Kotchen cites correlations between blood pressure and salt intake in a number of different studies; typically, the causation between lowering salt intake and decreased levels of blood pressure occur in individuals who have been diagnosed with hypertension. Although not as pronounced, there is also a link between salt intake and blood pressure in non-hypertensive individuals. Additionally, recent studies have demonstrated that a reduced salt intake is associated with decreased cardiovascular disease and decreased mortality.

In national studies in Finland and Great Britain, instituting a national salt-reduction program led to decreased sodium intake. In Finland, the resulting decrease in systolic and diastolic blood pressures corresponded to a 75 -- 80 percent decrease in death due to stroke and coronary heart disease.

Nevertheless, not all investigators concur with population-based recommendations to lower salt intake, and the reasons for this position are reviewed.

"Salt is essential for life, but it has been difficult to distinguish salt need from salt preference," said Dr. Kotchen. "Given the medical evidence, it seems that recommendations for reducing levels of salt consumption in the general population would be justifiable at this time." However, in terms of safety, the lower limit of salt consumption has not been clearly identified. In certain patient groups, less rigorous targets for salt reduction may be appropriate.

Co-authors are Allen W. Cowley, Jr., PhD, James J. Smith and Catherine Welsh Smith Professor in Physiology, and Harry and Gertrude Hack Term Professor and chairman of Physiology, the Medical College of Wisconsin; Edward D. Frohlich, MD, Alton Ocshner Distinguished Scientist at the Ochsner Clinic Foundation in New Orleans, La.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Medical College of Wisconsin.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Theodore A. Kotchen, Allen W. Cowley, Edward D. Frohlich. Salt in Health and Disease ? A Delicate Balance. New England Journal of Medicine, 2013; 368 (13): 1229 DOI: 10.1056/NEJMra1212606

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Vuemix Lets Serious Video Junkies Stream Multiple ... - AppCraver

Vuemix for iPhone and iPadVuemix?is a video browsing app that allows you to stream up to nine videos ? many from top tier TV channels ? on your iPad simultaneously in order for you to pick the one you want to finally select.

Even better, Vuemix, through some magical algorithm, allows you to do all of this while not upping your Internet usage too much. Just how does it do this? The cloud. Yes, this is one of the benefits that companies are enjoying with the often touted cloud. Behind the scenes, the company takes those nine channels, mixes them into one video stream and sends it directly to you with your nine videos. Very handy.

How does it work? Beautifully. I was skeptical, but low and behold, you actually get a smooth stream of all videos as if they were all powered with their own Internet connection. But do you need access to all nine at once? Yes.?

Think of it this way ... back in the day, my college roommate and I had two television sets going at once to ensure we could watch the game of the week as well as anything else we felt like.?Fast forward and now my home living room has a TV, a few tablets and iPhones. With all of these, I still have to barter with my kids and wife for TV screen time so selection is not always an option in my front room.?However, with Vuemix, I can check in on nine channels on my iPad, see what catches my attention and select one from there. I can pick from different categories such as Comedy, Entertainment, Sports, and more.

And these aren't just random shows from some amateur's basement, in fact, you get news from the big guns such as NBC and CNN. There are plenty of options from Discovery, and the Biography channel as well. I have to admit, it's a great way to consume video from the interwebs.

Overall, the?Vuemix?video browser app for iPad and iPhone is a very useful service. Packed with all the latest videos available on the Internet, simple search functions and of course the nine streaming videos all at once, this app is a must try for anyone who loves watching videos.

Vuemix Video Demo on YouTube


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Thursday, March 28, 2013

With Five Questions: Meet Ilan Finer of In Local Business

In Local Business provides business owners with professional internet marketing solutions--such as search engine optimization and website analysis--to help bring in more customers and generate more sales.

1. Why is SEO marketing so much more affordable than offline forms of marketing like direct mail--and other online forms of marketing like email marketing?

When using SEO marketing, there are many advantages over other marketing media:

First, the people who are looking in the search engines are very precise; they are looking for something using keywords (whether it is for information, a service provider, a product, or a local business), which means that when using SEO on the right profitable keywords will be very effective because you get found by people who are looking for you.

In other marketing there is much less certainty whether the people who are exposed to your marketing are in need of your service, or if they are the right clients for your service. In SEO perhaps you are targeting fewer people, but those are the relevant people for your business.

Second, when comparing the prices of actually obtaining a client from any kind of marketing, the stats are shown as follows:

Average Cost Per Customer

Television Ad - $230 for obtaining a customer
Specialty Magazine - $125 for obtaining a customer
Direct Mail - $70 for obtaining a customer
Email Marketing - $60 for obtaining a customer
Yellow Pages - $20 for obtaining a customer
SEO - $8.5 for obtaining a customer

Because SEO is the most direct kind of marketing you can use, simply because the people who will find you through organic search (search engines) are looking for your service, your marketing is much more specific and effective; therefore, the price of obtaining a client through SEO is much more affordable then other kinds of marketing.

2. In starting your business, why did you decide to specialize on offering local SEO optimization (and how does this differ from SEO in general)?

There is a huge difference between local SEO and general SEO, especially for local businesses. We have noticed many local businesses are performing their SEO in a bad way, and have much more room to improve. Let me give you an example:

A dental clinic is Houston, Texas is trying to advertise their business through SEO; the keywords they have chosen are:

Dental Implants
Cosmetic Dental
Dental Clinic
Best Dentist in Texas

Choosing general keywords is a big mistake that many small businesses make. They are trying to rank for general keywords, which will make them face more competition; it will be much harder to rank high for those keywords, and more importantly, they will get seen by people who are unlikely to use their services.

Let?s say this specific dental clinic have done a huge SEO campaign and spent a lot of money to achieve first ranking on those general keywords. Most of the people who will perform an internet search and will find this clinic probably will be from many parts of the world, and will unlikely go to Houston, Texas for a dentist.

Therefore, it will be wiser to perform your SEO locally, using local keywords such as:

Dental Implants Houston TX
Cosmetic Dental Houston
Dental Clinic Houston TX
Dentists in Houston
Best Dentists in Houston Texas

Although those keywords will have fewer searches in the search engines, the people who are looking for those keywords are probably located in Houston, Texas and will more likely to use a local dentist (especially if they are looking for it now).

Keywords should be determined by keyword research, the amount of monthly searches, and competition level. We are specialized in helping local businesses in establishing their business in the search engines, both with their local listing on Google+ and in the organic search for Google / Bing / Yahoo and other big search engines.

We help simply by optimizing business websites to target the profitable, relevant keywords so that they can rank more easily when potential clients are looking for their services.

3. What are some typical packages of services that you put together for companies?

We have many different packages that can fit for every business and every budget. The packages are divided into four different classes. Each package is divided according to the amount of keywords you wish to target; you can choose between 5-30 keywords in a package.

We offer a free consultation on our website in order for companies to choose the right package for their business, as it depends on their current performance, budget, and market competition. We recommend that clients consult with us before choosing a package. More details about the different packages are available here.

4. What is unique about reaching customers via mobile devices as opposed to more generalized internet marketing?

In today's world, most people in the western civilization have smartphones, and those mobile devices are going with them everywhere; when those people are looking for a service online, they go to their mobile device first, and perform a search. In the future we can only expect this trend to expand.

In the United States alone, over 90% of the population now owns a cell phone. If that is not enough,?over 25% of the U.S. population are "mobile-only," which means they mostly use only the mobile and?rarely?if ever use a computer.?

Mobile marketing gives local?business more customers, and right now in 2013 most of the local?business?that have a website don't optimize it for mobile use. Therefore, it?is still relatively?easy to dominate in the local mobile results for any business that starts to optimize for mobile marketing.

5. For a local business owner who is just beginning to explore SEM and SEO opportunities, what do you recommend as a good way to get started?

Since there is a lot to learn about the subject, I would recommend a local businessperson who is just starting his or her internet marketing to learn about the subject first. There are many ways one can advertise a business; understanding the big picture is extremely important, and can save a lot of time, money, and trouble.

First, I would recommend that a business owner perform keyword research (by a professional) so the local business owner will understand the business' online market.

--How many people are looking for each keyword a month?
--What is the competition on those keywords?
--Is it worth it to target those keywords, or other keywords?

All of those questions can be answered by good keyword research. It will help build the strategy for the business and clear things out, as well as anticipate how long it will take to see results.

Second, after you have the keyword research complete and you know how many keywords you wish to target, plan your SEO for the long run. SEO takes time, and to see real results can take a few months, but there are also a few things you can do to help make it faster and more effective.

"On Page Optimization." This refers to your website content. If you optimize your website to the profitable keywords you have decided to target, it will help rank you higher on Google because it will see that your website is optimized for those keywords, and will give you a better ranking then your competition who haven't done it.

"Off Page Optimization." This mostly refers to how many links are connecting to your website, and what the web is saying about your website. Again, this is measured by the amount of links your website has, and the quality of those links.

However, for individuals or businesses who don't have the time or will to learn all about internet marketing, I would simply recommend the use of a professional service for SEO. It's worth the time and money, since you will see results in few months without all the headache of studying internet marketing.

Thanks, Ilan!


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What you missed from ?The Ultimate Fighter?

It was a fight-packed episode of "The Ultimate Fighter" as Tuesday night's episode had two fights and visits from two different champs.

Ronda Rousey stops by -- Kelvin won his first match, so he was rewarded with a visit with UFC women's bantamweight champion Ronda Rousey. It wasn't just for show, either, as Rousey showed Team Sonnen several judo techniques. She also pumped them up with some of her favorite "Momisms," including the choice line, "No one has the right to beat you."

Collin Hart (Team Jones) vs. Kelvin Gastellum (Team Sonnen)

Gastellum said in his pre-fight interviews that no one respects his boxing. Uh, they will now. Gastellum struck Hart quickly with a left hook that sent him down to the ground. Hart hit his head on the canvas, rolled over, and took a few more punches before the fight was stopped. It was a vicious, vicious knockout.

Mike Tyson! Oh, hey, no big deal. Mike Tyson showed up at the training center. He stopped in the locker rooms to say hello to the fighters.

Dylan Andrews (Team Jones) vs. Luke Barnatt (Team Sonnen)

A fight for the Queen as Australian Andrews takes on Brit Barnatt. Andrews got the takedown early in the first round, and Barnatt had no answer on the ground for much of the round. Andrews tried for a few chokes, but was unsuccessful.

Barnatt did a much better job in the second, creating offense from the bottom. This led to a third round, where Andrews took over. He knocked a clearly tired Barnatt around until he finally knocked him out in the third round.

Everyone was impressed with how Andrews fought through the third round, including the man signing the checks.

"I'm blown away and impressed with Dylan. That's how it's done here." ? Dana White

The next two quarterfinals are next week, and they'll have a tough act to follow.

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A lovely review of Contemporary Grandparenting in Network 2013 ...

book coverProfessor Bob Broad of London South Bank University has written a lovely review of Contemporary Grandparenting: Changing family relationships in global contexts, edited by Sara Arber and Virpi Timonen?in the British Sociological Associations newsletter Network (Issue 113, Spring 2013). My own chapter on grandfathering and grandfathering identities even gets a brief mention!

You can read the review here:?Review-in-Network-BSA-260313

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This entry was posted on March 27, 2013, in Family, Grandparents, Published, Research and tagged Bob Broad, Book chapter, British Sociological Association, Contemporary Grandparenting, Grandfathering, Network. Bookmark the permalink.


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Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Disney Plans Live-Action Beauty and the Beast


Fresh off the rather large opening weekend for Sam Raimi?s fantasy pic Oz the Great and Powerful, Disney is ready to put a new spin on yet another classic story.? Deadline reports that screenwriter Joe Ahearne, who most recently wrote Danny Boyle?s upcoming psychological thriller Trance, has been tapped to pen the script for a live-action reimagining of Beauty and the Beast called The Beast.? This seemingly sets off yet another Snow White-esque race between two fairy tale-themed pics, as Warner Bros. has long been developing a new take on Beauty and the Beast with Guillermo del Toro directing and Emma Watson set to star.? Hit the jump for more on Disney?s latest move towards world domination.

beauty-and-the-beastThe development of Oz the Great and Powerful was a direct result of the massive success of Disney?s 2010 reimagining of Alice in Wonderland, which went on to gross over $1 billion worldwide.? Now that Raimi?s Oz seems like it?s enjoying similar success (though its opening weekend wasn?t near as big as Wonderland?s), Disney appears to be confident enough to move forward with yet another live-action revisionist take on a classic fairy tale in addition to the upcoming?Maleficent?and?Cinderella.

Ahearne?s darker-leaning previous work likely means that we?re in for something quite different from Disney?s classic 1991 animated iteration of?Beauty and the Beast, so it?ll be interesting to see how Disney handles the rougher parts of the story. ?Mandeville?s David Hoberman and Todd Lieberman will be producing The Beast alongside Disney?s LouAnne Brickhouse.? It remains to be seen if Disney will wait to see how Ahearne?s script turns out before attaching a director or if they?ll start looking for a helmer straight away, but you can bet they won?t be letting this thing linger in development for too long.

What this means for Guillermo del Toro?s Beauty and the Beast is uncertain.? Del Toro has slowly been continuing development on his film while he juggles his hundreds of other projects, and last February Andrew Davies (Bridget Jones? Diary) came on to pen the script.? Del Toro?s schedule is pretty packed in the near future with post-production on Pacific Rim and the pilot for the FX series The Strain, and he?s set to begin filming his next feature film, the haunted house story Crimson Peak, early next year, so his next open window to start filming a new movie would likely be late 2014 or sometime in 2015.

If Warner Bros. wants to pick up the pace on their Beauty and the Beast film as a result of Disney?s announcement, del Toro will likely be replaced as director, unfortunately.? Hopefully they have enough confidence in their project that they stick with del Toro?s vision and give him the time he needs to bring it to fruition.

What do you think, folks?? Do you want to see a new live-action version of Beauty and the Beast from Disney, and if so, who would you like to see direct it?



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Survival Book Review: Strategic Relocation by Joel Skousen | Stone ...

Searching for the safest place to be if things go wrong


No one purposely puts themselves or their families in harm?s way.? But what if you are in harm?s way and don?t even know it?? Joel Skousen has written a book called ?Strategic Relocation:? North American Guide to Safe Places? to help readers determine the best places to be in the event of a variety of disasters.

In today?s bookstores, it?s easy to find information about the ?best places? to live.? These books concentrate on the positive aspects of life, such as numbers and ratings of golf courses, doctor/patient ratios, warm sunny climates, availability of cultural activities, status of educational institutions and the growth potential of the local economy.

But while these highly-rated metropolitan areas may offer ample opportunities to enhance your lifestyle, what happens when a major crisis strikes?


Get Strategic Relocation at


What if:

  • a labor crisis halts the inflow of food and business goods? Will these communities provide the basic necessities of life?
  • an economic crisis that threatens your pensions, investments and other so-called ?guaranteed? income?
  • a major earthquake or other natural disaster suddenly upsets the natural social order for months at a time? Could you get out of harm?s way if massive social unrest erupts in the wake of a crisis?
  • an emergency clogs the area?s freeways? Do you have contingency plans to exit the area?
  • the ?unthinkable? happens: nuclear war? Or have you thought about the potential of a major terrorist attack on a U.S. city with chemical or biological weapons?

(excerpt from Joel Skousen?s Website)

My Thoughts On This Book

As a person who has moved a number of times following new career opportunities and always striving to have a better life in each new location, you can only imagine how appealing a book like this would be for a person like me.? This is a valuable asset to anyone who has found themselves thinking about moving away from the hustle and bustle of city life, or someone who sees social unrest on the horizon and wants a safer place to live.? It?s for the individual who is concerned about terror attacks or nuclear war, or for the person who just wants to buy land with less tax burden.?? It?s a tool for survivalists who want to have a bug-out location, and also a reference for anyone who just wants more security.

What makes this a must-have for your library is the fact that it is valuable to all people in all walks of life, in all locations.?? Even if you are not planning on moving or buying property, this book can raise awareness of the environment around you.??? It gives crime statistics for each state, geography and climate information (are you in a tornado, flood or earthquake zone?? this book will let you know), freedom and politics of certain regions, and an overall picture of health and quality of life based on the area of the country in which you live.

After reviewing my state of Texas, I found that the information was pretty accurate in my opinion.? The only thing that I had a question about was the listing of Texas as an ?open carry? state in the section on gun liberty.? As of the date of this review, Texas only has conceal carry, not open carry.??? As with any reference book you may use, be sure to double-check the laws in your area.


Strategic Relocation is available at

What other people say about Joel Skousen?s Strategic Relocation

This book was well-researched and is clearly presented. Great for emergency preparedness. I live in a hurricane zone. Evacuation (relocation) is part of life here. I am glad I bought this book.

Patriot2393 (Amazon Book Review)

Things are changing so rapidly in the US we don?t feel safe and secure any more. This book gives locations of where is the best place to be the safest, there are maps, lots of information for anyone to decide where to go or stay put. If you are researching for a safe place for yourself and/or your family [Strategic Relocation by Joel Skousen] would be helpful.

Shirley D. (Amazon Book Review)

Problems I found with this book

I don?t have a lot of complaints with Strategic Relocation.? It is very well researched.? However, I would point out the following:

  • Highly focused on the United States.? While there is some information on the Regional Analysis of Canada, more of the attention is on the USA.
  • Some errors on gun laws (as I mentioned above).?? It?s always best to double-check laws in the area where you are considering buying property.? Laws change and may not be represented correctly in an older edition of a book.
  • Some of the Amazon reviews I read found the text too opinionated.? I found that the opinions expressed were based on Skousen?s expertise in his field, so are worthy of the book.
  • People who are super-sensitive to social issues may become offended at statistics offered.?? One on Amazon accused the writer of prejudices against minorities and particular political parties, but cited no specifics I could reference.


Strategic Relocation is available at

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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Russian court postpones dead man's trial

Alexander Zemlianichenko / AP

Police officers stand near an empty defendant's cage in a courtroom in Moscow on March 11, 2013. The court postponed the trial of Sergei Magnitsky, a dead lawyer who accused law-enforcement authorities of massive corruption and whose case sparked a dispute between Washington and Moscow.

By David R Arnott, NBC News

Mikhail Voskresensky / Reuters

Flowers lie near the grave of lawyer Sergei Magnitsky in the Preobrazhensky cemetery in Moscow on March 11, 2013.

Journalists crowded into a packed Moscow courtroom on Monday to witness a legal first:?the first prosecution of a dead person in Russian history. But the case was postponed as the absence of defendant Sergei Magnitsky ??who died in 2009 ??was compounded by the non-appearance of his legal team.

Magnitsky is charged with tax evasion and fraud???similar to accusations that he had leveled against police and tax officials???in a case that?sparked a dispute between Washington and Moscow when Congress passed?a law named after Magnitsky.

"The defense team ... believes that they have not yet fully acquainted themselves with the 60 volumes of case materials," ?Judge Igor Alisov said, looking down on the barred cage usually reserved for the accused and the empty seats where Magnitsky's lawyers should have sat. Alisov postponed the trial until March 22.

-- Reuters and The Associated Press contributed to this report


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Monday, March 11, 2013

Princess whose forbidden love gripped Sweden dies

FILE - In this Sept. 15, 2005 file photo, Princess Lilian during a lunch at the city hall in Stockholm. Welsh-born Princess Lilian of Sweden, whose decades-long love story with the king's uncle was one of the better kept secrets of the royal household, has died. She was 97. The Royal Palace says Lilian died Sunday March 10, 2013 in her home in Stockholm. (AP Photo/Erhan Gzner, Scanpix, File) SWEDEN OUT

FILE - In this Sept. 15, 2005 file photo, Princess Lilian during a lunch at the city hall in Stockholm. Welsh-born Princess Lilian of Sweden, whose decades-long love story with the king's uncle was one of the better kept secrets of the royal household, has died. She was 97. The Royal Palace says Lilian died Sunday March 10, 2013 in her home in Stockholm. (AP Photo/Erhan Gzner, Scanpix, File) SWEDEN OUT

FILE - In this Sept. 15, 2005 file photo, Princess Lilian during a lunch at the city hall in Stockholm. Welsh-born Princess Lilian of Sweden, whose decades-long love story with the king's uncle was one of the better kept secrets of the royal household, has died. She was 97. The Royal Palace says Lilian died Sunday March 10, 2013 in her home in Stockholm. (AP Photo/Erhan Gzner, Scanpix, File) SWEDEN OUT

FILE - In this Dec. 10, 2005 file photo Princess Lilian of Sweden is seen in Stockholm. Welsh-born Princess Lilian of Sweden, whose decades-long love story with the king's uncle was one of the better kept secrets of the royal household, has died. She was 97. The Royal Palace says Lilian died Sunday March 10, 2013 in her home in Stockholm. (AP Photo/Henrik Montgomery, File) SWEDEN OUT

(AP) ? She was one of the better kept secrets of Sweden's royal household: a commoner and divorcee whose relationship with Prince Bertil was seen as a threat to the Bernadotte dynasty.

In a touching royal romance, Welsh-born Princess Lilian and her Bertil kept their love unofficial for decades and were both in their 60s when they finally received the king's blessing to get married.

Lilian died in her Stockholm home on Sunday at age 97. The Royal Palace didn't give a cause of death, but Lilian suffered from Alzheimer's disease and had been in poor health for several years.

She met Sweden's Prince Bertil in 1943, but his obligations to the throne and Lilian's status as a divorced commoner prevented them from making their love public. The couple's sacrifices and lifelong dedication to one another gripped the hearts of Swedes.

"If I were to sum up my life, everything has been about my love," the witty, petite princess said of her husband when she turned 80 in 1995. "He's a great man, and I love him."

Born Lilian Davies in Swansea, Wales, on Aug. 30, 1915, she moved to London at 16 to embark on a career as a model and an actress, showcasing hats and gloves in commercials and taking on small roles in movies. She met British actor Ivan Craig, whom she married in 1940.

After World War II broke out, Craig was drafted into the British army while Lilian stayed behind in London, working at a factory making radio sets for the British merchant fleet and serving at a hospital for wounded soldiers.

At the time, Prince Bertil was stationed at the Swedish Embassy in the British capital as a naval attache. The couple first laid eyes on each other in the fancy nightclub Les Ambassadeurs shortly before Lilian's 28th birthday in 1943. Lilian then invited him to a cocktail party in her London apartment. But it wasn't until he fetched her with his car following an air raid in her neighborhood that the romance blossomed, Lilian recalled in her 2000 memoirs, "My Life with Prince Bertil."

"He was so handsome my prince. Especially in uniform. So charming and thoughtful. And so funny. Oh how we laughed together," Lilian wrote.

Lilian was still married at the time, but the situation resolved itself since Craig, too, had met someone else during his years abroad in the army, and the couple divorced on amicable terms.

Upon Bertil's return to Sweden, however, his relationship with a commoner became a delicate issue.

Bertil became a possible heir to the throne when his eldest brother died in a plane crash, leaving behind an infant son ? the current King Carl XVI Gustaf. Two other brothers had dropped out of the line of succession by marrying commoners.

Bertil's father, King Gustaf VI Adolf, ordered him to abstain from marrying Lilian, since that would jeopardize the survival of the Bernadotte dynasty.

Instead, the couple let their romance flourish in an unofficial manner, living together in a common-law marriage for decades.

They first lived in their house in Sainte-Maxime in France, but later shared their time between the French village and Stockholm, where Lilian discreetly stayed in the background for years.

Despite the royal reluctance to recognize her officially, Lilian's charm and warm personality soon won the Swedes over, and magazines depicted the happy couple playing golf and riding around on the prince's motorbike. When Prince Bertil had to use a walking frame after an operation, she cheerfully nicknamed it his "Bugatti."

In 1976, some 33 years after they first met, the new king finally gave them the approval they had been waiting for.

On a cold December day the same year, Lilian, or "Lily" as the prince used to call her, became princess of Sweden and duchess of the southern province of Halland in a ceremony at the Drottningholm Palace Chapel just outside Stockholm. The bride had by then turned 61 and the groom was 64.

The couple never had any children.

Prince Bertil died in the couple's residence Villa Solbacken in Stockholm in 1997 after unspecified lung problems.

Lilian took over some of her husband's duties, especially as an award presenter for various sports associations.

Health problems forced her to cut back on some of her royal duties. In 2006 she stopped attending the annual Nobel Prize banquet, and the next year she also stopped taking part in the award ceremony.

In 2010, the palace said Lilian suffered from Alzheimer's disease, preventing her from attending the wedding that summer of Crown Princess Victoria and Daniel Westling.

Associated Press


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Dick Cheney Unconcerned with Critics in New Documentary

The former vice president got straight to the point in R.J. Cutler's latest documentary "The World According to Dick Cheney," telling the filmmaker he doesn't care what his critics think.

"I don't lay awake at night thinking 'gee, what are they going to say about me now?'" Cheney remarks in the upcoming film.

In an interview forABC's "This Week," Cutler responded "He does say a lot that he's not interested in what people think about him, but it's hard to imagine that he's not invested in what his legacy is. He is a significant figure of American history."

The documentary, which premieres March 15 on Showtime, features an extensive interview with the retired politician and offers a rare glimpse into Cheney's life since leaving Washington.

Cutler said he was strategic in approaching Cheney about appearing on the big screen.

"I was advised early on that the best path to getting him to participate would be patience," Cutler said. "And indeed it took seven months between the time that I first reached out to him and the time that he invited me to have lunch with him to discuss what my plans were for the film."

The director, whose previous documentaries include "The War Room" and "A Perfect Candidate," said he was driven by a desire to find out more about the polarizing political figure.

"Making a film like 'The World According to Dick Cheney,' you need to enter most of all with curiosity," Cutler said. "Not with expectations, not with preconceived notions, but with questions."

After many lengthy interviews with Cheney, and even accompanying him on a fishing excursion, Cutler gained unique insight into the former vice president's political strategy.

"He does not feel there is room for compromise," Cutler said. "I think it raises the question, when total conviction serves a democracy and when it can be problematic for democracy. And that's a question that, to me, is worth considering not only in the specific analysis of the George W. Bush presidency and his relationship with Vice President Cheney and Vice President Cheney's career, but in thinking about democracy from a larger view. And so, this was a major reason why we wanted to make this film and something that I was really excited about exploring.."

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'Hitchhiker's Guide' Google Doodle holds answer to life, universe and everything

Google doodle

1 hour ago

Google Doodle Douglas Adams


Celebrating the birthday of "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" author Douglas Adams, Google's March 11 Doodle features a retro spaceship console with an iconic tablet computer atop it, providing the answers to all of life's most nagging questions, including the ultimate one.

Click through the Guide's entries, and you'll be surprised at the diversity and cleverness of the Google designers. You'll see pantomimed demonstrations of the virtues of the towel, the effects of drinking a Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster, even the reason why Vogon poetry is considered bad ? and not just for humanoids. You'll also see a brief history of Deep Thought, the super computer which replied, when asked, that the answer to life, the universe and everything is "42." And if you click around enough, you'll be able to spot Marvin, the Paranoid Android.

Adams died all too soon, at the age of 49, but his writing will live on for millennia to come, perhaps one day providing us with useful behavioral advice when we do actually venture out into the galaxy, towel in hand.

Wilson Rothman is the Technology & Science editor at NBC News Digital. Catch up with him on Twitter at @wjrothman, and join our conversation on Facebook.


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Sunday, March 3, 2013

Yankees' Ichiro Suzuki OK after traffic accident

New York Yankees' Ichiro Suzuki, of Japan, hits a single off Toronto Blue Jays' Brandon Morrow during the first inning of a spring training exhibition baseball game, Thursday, Feb. 28, 2013, in Tampa, Fla.(AP Photo/Matt Slocum)

New York Yankees' Ichiro Suzuki, of Japan, hits a single off Toronto Blue Jays' Brandon Morrow during the first inning of a spring training exhibition baseball game, Thursday, Feb. 28, 2013, in Tampa, Fla.(AP Photo/Matt Slocum)

New York Yankees' Ichiro Suzuki, of Japan, smiles while talking with a teammate before taking batting practice during a workout at baseball spring training, Wednesday, Feb. 20, 2013, in Tampa, Fla. (AP Photo/Matt Slocum)

(AP) ? Yankees outfielder Ichiro Suzuki said he had no soreness Sunday, one day after being involved in a traffic accident.

Suzuki was on his way home after Saturday's spring training game against Detroit when the accident occurred a few miles from Steinbrenner Field in Tampa.

"Not at all," Suzuki said through a translator when asked whether he felt any discomfort. "My body just didn't react, I guess."

Suzuki said his SUV was totaled in the accident. He had a green light when he was hit by another vehicle in an intersection. The driver of the second vehicle was cited by police.

"The car was turning left and turned into me," Suzuki said. "I slammed on the brakes, but couldn't do anything about it."

Suzuki said his vehicle was struck almost directly in front toward the driver's side.

New York manager Joe Girardi expects Suzuki to play in Tuesday night's exhibition against Atlanta. The Yankees are off on Monday.

No one was injured in the accident.

"I'm very thankful that everybody was OK," Suzuki said. "I feel grateful that there were no big injuries."

Suzuki worked out with teammates who didn't make the trip to Fort Myers for Sunday's exhibition game with Boston and hit in an indoor cage

Left-hander Andy Pettitte threw 34 pitches, including 20 in the first, over two innings during his first simulated game.

"Everything feels really good," Pettitte said. "All my pitches are right where I want them.

Pettitte expects to throw in another simulated game before making his first exhibition appearance.

Closer Mariano Rivera, coming back from knee surgery, made 21 pitches in one inning during his second simulated game. He said his preference would be to next pitch in an exhibition.

"I think we're ready to do that," Rivera said.

Phil Hughes made 37 throws, including 25 from 60 feet, during his initial throwing session since being sidelined two week ago by a bulging disk in his upper back. There is a possibility the right-hander will not be ready for opening day.

"Obviously, I can't have any setbacks," Hughes said. "I just have to take it a day at a time. I know I have to get four or five starts. It's not the worse thing in the world to miss a little time now than have this be an issue going forward."

NOTES: SS Derek Jeter (ankle surgery) said he still has to run the bases full speed before making his exhibition debut. GM Brian Cashman has said Jeter should play in his first game around March 10. ... LHP Boone Logan (tender elbow) hopes to resume throwing Tuesday or Wednesday. ... Minor league OF Slade Heathcott (sprained right thumb) expects to swing a bat Tuesday.

Associated Press


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